Up and coming Spring Fair and raffle🐣
Our Spring Fair is fast approaching - Sunday 24th March 11.00 - 2.00pm
As part of this we are having a grand raffle with lots of super prizes up for grabs. The oldest child in each family will receive £10 worth of tickets (5 tickets at £2 each) to sell. You should write your name on one ticket and return to school and keep the other for your own records. Additional tickets can be picked up at the school office. We greatly appreciate your support with this.
All tickets must be returned by Thursday 21st March. The draw will take place at the Spring Fair on Sunday 24th March.
In addition, there will be a bottle tombola at the fair. We are asking for a bottle donation from all families. This can be a bottle of sauce, soft drinks, perfume or an alcoholic beverage. Parents should leave this at the office if they are breakable. These donations are requested as soon as possible and no later than Wednesday 20th March.
We appreciate your support, as always, and all money raised will directly benefit the pupils in our school.
St Francis' Primary School and Bunscoil Naomh Proinsias, 28 Francis Street, Lurgan, Craigavon, County Armagh BT66 6DL
Telephone: 028 3832 3163