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St Francis' Primary School and Bunscoil Naomh Proinsias, Lurgan, Craigavon, County Armagh

PJ Day Wednesday 3rd May

24th Apr 2023

Dear parents & carers

On Wednesday 3rd May the whole school will have a jammie day (PJ's) to raise much need funds for outdoor play equipment.
The school council have identified the lack of play equipment at break and lunch time and their class mates have been asking for a solution. Unfortunately money to fund the buying of any outdoor equipment is non existent and therefore we must ask the school community for help in raising the necessary money.

At the top of their wish list are basketball nets and portable football nets. To buy these high price items it is going to cost approximately £1,500. We will hopefully raise this amount or get very close to it. Any money that is left over will be used to buy smaller items e.g. bean bags, hula hoops, playground chalk, skipping ropes.  

The school council are asking for a voluntary £1 (or more if you wish) donation. 

All donations should be sent in with your child on the jammie day and given to their teacher. 

It is certainly going to be an exciting and fun day for the children and hopefully we will be able to purchase the items that they’re really wishing for. 

Many thanks in advance for your generosity. 

Mrs Daly (school council link teacher)