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St Francis' Primary School and Bunscoil Naomh Proinsias, Lurgan, Craigavon, County Armagh

New School Spelling Programme

22nd Sep 2023

September 2023

Dear Parents,

As a school we are taking on a new spelling programme known as the Read Write or Complete Spelling Programme.

This has been published by Dr Sharon McMurray MBE. The programme focuses on an integrated approach when learning to spell. It is highly recommended and has been proven to have great results with improvement in spelling and independent writing.

The programme will commence from P3 -P7 over the next week. P2 pupils will be introduced to the programme in Term 2. It is very structured and work booklets will be used to reinforce the teaching of spelling that will take place in the school.

Each pupil will have their own work booklet. Two pieces of work will be completed in school at the beginning of the week and then the booklet will be sent home on either Tuesday or Wednesday for two pieces of work to be completed at home. Each year group will supply additional guidance on this. There will also be a spelling list booklet or weekly sheet, depending on Year group, sent home clearly indicating the spelling list to be learnt for each week. Pupils will be tested every Friday as normal.

The school have invested a lot of money in to buying the programme and reproducing the supporting material. It is vital that the booklet is looked after and comes into school on the assigned days. Again, year groups will communicate this to you. Due to the money invested we will be charging parents moving forward for any lost spelling booklets.

Thank you in advance for your support in the roll out of this programme.

Miss O'Dowd