Corn Cuimhneacháin Mhamó Bernadette
A leithéid de lá!!! ☘️ What a day! Chuaigh scaifte páistí ó Bhunscoil Naomh Proinsias, Bunscoil Eoin Baiste agus Bunscoil na mBráithre Críostaí chuig Naomh Pól inniu chun deireadh a chur le Seachtain na Gaeilge. D’imir siad bliots peile. Ár mbuíochas le Healthy kidz, Naomh Pól agus Edel ó Tesco as an tacaíocht inniu. Tugann muid moladh ar leith as an pheil agus an Ghaeilge. Comhghairdeas le Bunscoil na mBráithre Críostaí a bhain Corn Cuimhneacháin Mhamó Bernadette. Maith sibh ar fad, táimid fíor-bhródúil asaibh. Ag dúil go mór leis an chéad ceann eile. 💛💙
Some children from Bunscoil Naomh, Bunscoil Eoin Baiste and Bunscoil na mBráithre Críostaí went to St Paul’s today for a Blitz to end Seachtain na Gaeilge.
We would like to thank Healthy kidz, St Paul’s and Edel from Tesco for all the support. The football skills on display and use of the Irish language were just excellent.
Congratulations to the winners of the Mamó Bernadette Memorial Cup, Bunscoil na mBráithre Críostaí.
We are so proud of all the children who participated today and we look forward to next year. 💙💛
St Francis' Primary School and Bunscoil Naomh Proinsias, 28 Francis Street, Lurgan, Craigavon, County Armagh BT66 6DL
Telephone: 028 3832 3163